who are we?
we are a group of college-aged students committed to walking in the ways of jesus.
We aren’t perfect, but Jesus is.
We’re a staffed and student-led ministry on the campus of JMU with a building we call “The Hope Center” at 711 S Main Street. We currently have 3 full-time staff members and one part-time dedicated to the mentorship and encouragement of students. We also have 9 student leaders committed to encouraging their fellow college students as they explore who Jesus is, what He did for us and how we can live the abundant life that He promised.
We believe in the goodness of God’s grace as He gave us life to the fullest in the sacrifice of his son Jesus. We believe in doing the same things that Jesus did as they way to “the good life”.
Ways of life that Jesus adopted were practices such as reading and memorizing scripture, fasting, praying, meeting together to worship, helping those less fortunate than us and spending time discipling others both domestically and internationally.
As we pursue a life with Jesus, we believe we’ll find all we’ve ever been looking for.
Are you a church?
We are actually not a church. Many of our students attend church locally in the Harrisonburg Area. We are a group of college-aged students who meet together for the purpose of growing intentionally in community with other college students (and a few staff) in this unique time while in college. Our staff encourage students to attend church separately and can recommend a few great ones in our area.
Do I have to be baptist to attend?
Of course not! We are a mission of the BGAV of Virginia, a historically baptist movement. However, most protestant believers will fit in with our group of students. If you’re exploring your faith and not even sure where you fit in - we love questions and welcome your thoughts and exploration.
Can I get a ride?
We would love to help you figure out how to get to The Hope Center. We often have several different students or staff members who would be able to give you a ride to our Thursday night gatherings, or just about any other gathering you’d want to attend. E-mail us at jmubcm@gmail.org to set it up!
Do I have to go to JMU to attend your gatherings?
Nope! Not at all. We have students from JMU, from Blue Ridge Community College or even just college-aged students around the Harrisonburg area. You’ll fit into our group if you’re in the 18-25 age range.
What denomination are you?
Great question! We are a ministry of the BGAV of Virginia which works closely (but does not necessarily agree 100% theologically) with the Southern Baptist Convention and the Cooperative Baptists. Long story short, we’re historically Baptist. We believe in a believer’s baptism (not baby baptism) and the priesthood of the believer (that we all have access in Prayer to God). You’ll find students of all kinds of denominations within our ministry. The most important thing we all agree on is that Jesus is Lord.
“We are built to live in the kingdom of God.
It is our natural habitat.”
Dallas Willard